Thursday, 27 September 2012

Research, upskilling and costume courses

My blog has  been very quiet lately as I have been improving my knowledge and sewing skills lately and attending The Dreamstress blogger Leimomi Oakes  classes at Made on Marion in in Wellington. I will blog about those later when I have the pictures and progress sorted.

The VPLL pattern releases have slowed and their preview patterns in Facebook are the next ones I want to sew. But until then I am researching and reading up on:

Clare Shaeffers Fabric Sewing Guide. 2nd Edition. I needed to understand how to select, manage sewing and more difficult fabrics and identify inappropriate fabrics to sew for the various costume periods.

Nancy Bednar & JoAnn Pugh- Gannon Encycolopaedia of Sewing Machine Techniques. Facinating. It needs a blog a page as I work thought the instructions on how to do  amazing techniques. If only I had the time. Very useful so far.

Alison Smith The Sewing Book Tyler. There is only so much on u tube. Diagrams and instructions are very clear. I keep dipping into it.
Gail Brown Pati Palmer Sewing with Sergers. I have had a overlocker / serger for years and only done the basics. How to get more out of the machine you own.  Still playing with various techniques.