Saturday, 3 March 2012

Ladies' Skirt #0200 mock up complete

Wrong side waist view
You can see how important it is to check both sides and make sure the scallops are cut the same size and shape. Push the bias hard up against the raw edge and fold the points carefully, otherwise it will look uneven as this photo shows.
Much care and patience is needed (no short cuts here) ready for the final hand sewing, once you are sure its right.
Because the bias is a dramatic contrast in my mock up any inprecision will show and detract from the finished skirt.
The buttons will also emphasise your positioning imprecision if the detailing is not carefully done.
I have used thin cheap curtain cotton and recycled 1/4 inch bias binding for this mock up. Note how the bias bows away from the edge of scallop when its pinned. 

I have put together the mock up and put on my dress form below. Although just pinned in place, it shows the general idea and how my back pattern "extentions" have worked with the added darts.
Remember how the pattern's artists impression of the illustration is the wrong way round.

I am now thinking of what material to make this in - winter skirt for work to go with the next blouse pattern?  I will have the bias trim in the same material and use the row of buttons as the main feature.

VPLL Checklist
  1. Pattern Name Ladies Skirt #0200
  2. Sewer’s Skill Level: Advance, Intermediate, Beginner
  3. Pattern Rating: 1-Not a Fan, 2 – So-So, 3 – Good/Average, 4-Better than Average, 5-I LOVED IT! and why?
  4. What skill level would someone need to sew this pattern and why? Intermediate because of the bias trim addition. Depends on if you decide to machine or hand sew the bias trim. Trying to get it to have a professional finish for the scalloped trim  rather then a triangular shape was most fiddly.
  5. Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes. If not, what needs to be changed?
  6. How was the fit/sizing? Did it correspond to what you thought? I had to make extensive enlargement to fit for a size 22-24.
  7. Did you make any pattern alterations? If so, what alterations did you make? Where they fit or design alterations? I made fit and length alterations for all pattern pieces see no 7 above.
  8. Other notes: I would recommend hand covered buttons in the same material or colour of the trim would look great.

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